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As they say, "When you travel, the
more you see the more you know
you haven't". We were lucky to have
come across Global citizens as it
has proved to be the right platform
for virtual travel for kids and young
adults. The diverse topics covered
has not only given wonderful travel
experience to young minds, but has
also given them an opportunity to
know that travel is much more than
sight seeing. The sessions include
cultural and historical importance
of main cities. Apart from that,
Interactive sessions, book and
movie reviews, games, budgeting,
role plays, cooking competition for
foodies, music for music lovers,
were some of the highlights of the
programme. Would give a five star
to Global Citizens of Tomorrow,
looking forward to being a part of
many more trips.
Divya M
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Virtual Travel for kids program from Selfroadiez is a unique and entertaining way for kids to experience
world. The program allows opportunities for kids to make new friendships and get a better insight to daily
life across seas. My son finds the program very interesting and has helped him interact and gain more
confidence. He especially loves the cooking sessions. I would highly recommend the program.
Krishnan Hariharan
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Global Citizens of Tomorrow is an unique programme for children. My son has been a part on multiple
modules and is eager to be part of more destinations. Apart from virtually visiting the various places, the
culture, significant events of the place, activities which can be done by the children independently,
emphasis on logical reasoning are some of the highlights which prompted us to enrol our son. The best
part is the initiative where the children interact with each other in a trustworthy and safe, yet diverse
environment. Congratulations to the team Global Citizens of Tomorrow!!